Is goku outerversal. People scale Cell and SSJ2 Gohan to solar system and I'm going to debunk that. Is goku outerversal

 People scale Cell and SSJ2 Gohan to solar system and I'm going to debunk thatIs goku outerversal  God = Outerversal

Next time on Death Battle, a random Naruto civilian vs Christian God. ago The platonic concept of Goku is outer 🦧🦧🦧 toughdaybreaker3000 • 2 yr. Vegeta in grade 2 was able to tank a galick gun from Semi-Perfect Cell. Firstly, During Goku's Fight with beerus he was going to destroy the entirety of universe 7. Outerverse is a verse completely outside of space time/all dimensions of space time, and transcends the. Glenn Radars vs Satoru Gojo. This is because as we know that DBS multiverse is complex multiversal and DBS world is contained one timeline. The Monkey King takes on his modern day successor Son Goku, The Super Saiyan(4). With that alone he is faster and can produce more force and create more energy. Classification: disabled human,dick face,1 verse dick, Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Master Martial Artist, Analytical Prediction, Attack Reflection, Ki Manipulation (Can be used defensively. The absolute lowball for luke is 5d because darth sidious scales to hyperspace and. 9 mo. DBS GOKU Dragon ball super goku at the beginning of super was going to destroy the macrocosm of universe 7 (including the “other world”) with the shockwaves. Against Superman, she could pull out kryptonite, and against Goku it may give her the Beast Balls to wish Goku away. and second, Goku is strong, but in my opinion, he is low multiversal or high multi universal. However, it should always be kept in mind that, although Destructive Capacity and Area. 5 years ago. Let society find out that Kirby would convince Goku to eat apple pie with him no diff solo outerversal golden crust red truth all fiction 11:50 PM · May 23, 2022 1 Can create his own space/dimension), Time Manipulation (Can create a dimension in which time is slowed), Pocket Reality Manipulation, Summoning (Can summon Shenron or Super Shenron), Statistics Amplification (Goku can greatly enhance his capabilities with Kaio-ken, by potentially up to one hundred times), Statistics Reduction (Can reduce enemy's. Follow. Series canon Goku is not Outerversal. 4. Now moving onto Xeno Goku. Not to mention they are casually blowing up planets the second Goku is Revived. 3 ways I know of. Almost no one argues that Goku canon or naruto is Outerversal unless he is a troll, they reach Multiversal complex high and universal+ on their high balls, now not canon Goku? It's a completely different case, Outerversal or higher can be argued without too much trouble. Maybe Goku will takes 5/10 if it's against universe+ level wang ling and it will only be 1/10 if Goku is up against outerversal wang ling. Answer (1 of 6): to tell yall how strong capsule corp goku is imma scale dbs goku,xeno goku,and capsule corp goku from weakest to strongest. We don’t think goku is outerversal. ago. Goku Black is one of the most popular and one of the most powerful villains within the Dragon Ball universe. Now Goku was 1/300th of galaxy but super saiyan God made him universal. In this way, we can easily identify a. #1. VDOM DHTML tml>. His race was Obliterated by the Sayians. I am the light in the darkness. Goku is Goku. Goku! A Transcendent Battle Begins on the Prison Planet!" Characteristics Race Saiyan Gender Male Height Goku is not outer gang We don’t think goku is outerversal. It’s not just a world of ideals, it’s an eternal ideal world. He would have to be able to interact with the intangible before anyone can think about Goku being outerversal. Yes 154 No Voting closed This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast 10 89 comments Best [deleted] • 2 yr. He’s. Example: Let's take a Pencil and inferred. Xeno Goku doesn’t deserve to be. He is the Evolution of Mvc Goku and can stalemate the Almighty Skodwarde. . in the soles born games should be using a lovecraft baced power scale because someone is going to come in here and say Goku would one shot the moon presence when the Lovecraft power scale is more like radiation as opposed to the. Rimuru is a High Outerversal Being. Cannon Goku just isn't outerversal I didn't think anybody thought he was. This Goku is the most overpowered/strongest goku in the entire existence and non-existence. 2,431 1,470. 5 years ago. In jujutsu kaisen universe the strongest curse tool which can counter gojo technique and even his seal is inverted spear of heaven which toji used in his fight against gojo. People scale Cell and SSJ2 Gohan to solar system and I'm going to debunk that. From the standards of VSBattle that to achieve 1-A or Outerversal, one must be able to create, affect and/or destroy a dimensional space with a value that is higher than Aleph-1 or uncountably infinite dimensional space. Bye. The Royale Rich Boys. About Us Sign In Register ALL POSTS GokuLegendsBangBang · 10/1/2021 in General Outerversal Goku Stats Behaviour: Neutral Sex: Male Height: 176cm Weight: 75kg/165. Xeno Goku is not even close to outerversal. Follow. Originally coined by Vs Battle Wiki , such term is used in place to describe locations or beings that are conceptually different from the idea of Dimensions (Space and Time). . Kratos beat Heimdall, who could read movements before they happened, which is a similar concept to UI, but UI LITERALLY fights and dodges for Goku. Dio > Dog. G arc, anyone who is stronger/more powerful than SSG Goku (During the B. Now we can use kayoma statement, which makes goku outer easily via goku in ssg threatening to completely destroy U7 which contains infinite dimensions. Yea but demigra was affecting the real world and db's world with his sheer power so. "Outerversal base goku" "Multiversal Mario" "Universal Naruto" "Star level MCU thor" "FTL deku" "Batman solos your favorite character with prep" If anyone here gotten a brain tumor with those statements, then that. Toriyama himself states there is no way to measure mathematically the increase of super saiyan in later sagas. Thats at least a low outer feat. Tell me he is not. Here with this statement that the individual experiences a place where. this took me like a month to make lol#dbz #dragonball #fnaf #anima. A timeline is infinite 5D because of containing 5D Goku and then there are infinite timelines with different events and paths. Xeno Goku is joint first most powerful characters in fiction. #1 Luffy-hoakge. 1. Goku is legitimately Low 1-C because Other World is really 5D even without scans from Daibenzu. Dora is outerversal and has every hax and physical feat ever known. who is CC Go. •above the great spirit or spirits. Yes. Eh I wonder how can DBZtards do without Koyama's statements. #1 BruceVeidt. Answer: Ive asked a question like this too… I thought he was “Just" a Multi galaxy buster but now I'm thinking he should at least Universal… I would but him in Multi-Universal… and if we want to highball him then he should be mutliversal… We don’t think goku is outerversal. It makes you Universal+ at most. Kid Goku destroy and isn't even a competition For a quick Death outer and inf speed debunk Being a concept isn't an outerversal feat unless is platonic, so he just has death/concept manipulation Jack didn't travel an infinite distance for open the bag from inside, he just became bigger so that he can reach the opening of it. Dio = Boundless . G arc, anyone who is stronger/more powerful than SSG Goku (During the B. If you have him fight someone that matches his level for Objective DB then "time stop and infinite. Is it true that VS Battle Wiki maintain Superman at Solar System level only for him to look weak in front of Goku?. A weaker Goku and Beerus creating and containing the Dense Energy could destroy the Universe (which is made up of different infinite sized realms/universes with their own space time continuum). This is once again proven false thanks to super buu's outerversal quote, we can easily deduct through basic scaling that ki is light meaning even BOS goku should be in the mftl+ range thanks to. Base Goku in Namek is FTL let’s say he is 2x ftl. I asnwered the question 🤨. He would jump into action when needed to, if he's not participating in challenges from his friends, he may be opposing malevolent forces and ultimately facing menacing monstrosities that contrast his own friendly appearance. Answer (1 of 16): If I consider goku's best feats I'd say that current manga goku “gronolah arc" is at least low multiversal in his super saiyan form. ago. Answer: Ive asked a question like this too… I thought he was “Just" a Multi galaxy buster but now I'm thinking he should at least Universal… I would but him in Multi-Universal… and if we want to highball him then he should be mutliversal… #1 ExtremeBoy At least High Hyperverse level, possibly Outerverse level (Is somewhat comparable to his prime self. Goku scales to universal to multiversal plus so Palkia(concept of space literally created the infinite multiverse), Dialga(concept of time), Giratina(concept of anti matter, Arceus(outerversal and just a sliver of it's power which is it's pokemon form scales above the creation trio and lake gaurdians), Mespirit(emotion), Uxie(knowledge), Azelf(the. Some of the guide books confirm the canonicity and accuracy of themselves and Toriyama has also confirmed the canonicity of the guide books, these official guide books also confirm Dragon Balls connection with Asian mythology and mainly the journey to the west mythos. . Entities who exist in an Outerverse are usually meta-physical and. shaggylettuce • 2 yr. Reply DyingObscurity •. Xeno Goku is basically GT Goku that went through BoG and is the main version of Goku in stuff like DBH games. The strongest version maybePress Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. Reactions: God900, PeerlessGodfighter and LoliNeverforlife. Son Goku, born by his Saiyan name Kakarot, is the main protagonist of the series Dragon Ball. Also: Heirophant Green = Boundless (defeated Death-13, who is boundless in his Dream World) Emerald Splash = Boundless. If he can ,It not Is low complex multiversal. Objective feats DB gets clapped and can't even hurt Goku. I don’t really feel like debating this since this was a comment from months ago. Do you have any counter arguments or do you agree with the video? DarkDragonMedeus Hard Working Individual He/Him VS Battles Super Moderator Administrator 27,214 24,733 The most powerful being ever known. He appears as the main character in the 16th-century Chinese classical novel Journey to the West (西游记). Xeno Goku (Game) is high outer with pure scaling. The name of the space may be misleading but chill tf out and listen, I like Goku, I’ll admit, I don’t like the ridiculous claims people make about him which contradicts the story. #1 BruceVeidt. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. Why Goku is outerversal. Even if Goku was universal at one point in time he clearly isn't anymore. Xeno Goku is a tall and muscular man. 5 years ago. Grade 2. Reply Randomusernamekdksj. . Sun Wukong, also known as the Monkey King, is a mythological figure who features in a body of legends, which can be traced back to the period of the Song dynasty. . If they physically exert the attack, then yes, if it is a magic/laser or anything, not necessarily. She is outerversal at the very list as she transcend all witches due to bieng in the creater domain and view them like how witches view human. #1 Well, I found this video on YouTube: AF&C: Episode 16 - HOW STRONG IS XENO GOKU!? Watch on and in it this guy shows that Goku Xeno can get Hyperversal to Low-outversal. Even considering EU / Legends Star wars characters don't have that level, not even close. Archetypal Reaper. Therefore, I believe that ever since the B. The dude need upgrade to 1-A and dbs goku need upgrade to 0. Based on your recent post he is. Only anime feats for Wang Ling. Then he can go kaioken so another x 20. In this way, we can easily identify a. This is likely wrong but how strong is he based on the wiki standards?We need Patreon donations for this forum to have all of its running costs financially secured. Multi Luffy is second, just because you can get a lot of OP characters to Uni using canon statement by the characters. That means Fortnite Goku is base outerversal but can go super Saiyan blue. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsThis is originally from my TikTok page but I figured this would also be good to put out on YouTube for those who don’t use TikTok. Nov 26, 2021. Black frieza one shot them, Making black frieza outerversal too. Ichigo is actually universal. . God literally doesn’t even notice he is trying to hurt him, when he does God just wipes him away. So even if Goku was at 1%, then that still means krillin fought. The name of the space may be misleading but chill tf out and listen, I like Goku, I’ll admit, I don’t like the ridiculous claims people make about him which contradicts the story. So basically any Dante during or after the DMC2 Novel is now outerversal. Let society find out that Kirby would convince Goku to eat apple pie with him no diff solo outerversal golden crust red truth all fiction 11:50 PM · May 23, 2022 1 Let society find out that Kirby would convince Goku to eat apple pie with him no diff solo outerversal golden crust red truth all fiction 11:50 PM · May 23, 2022 1 Let society find out that Kirby would convince Goku to eat apple pie with him no diff solo outerversal golden crust red truth all fiction 11:50 PM · May 23, 2022 1 Let society find out that Kirby would convince Goku to eat apple pie with him no diff solo outerversal golden crust red truth all fiction 11:50 PM · May 23, 2022 1 What level is Goku, hyperversal, outversal, megaversal, or omniversal? - Quora Answer (1 of 9): it honestly depends there are scales that put universe 7 as 5d with statements like. If a series explains like this, it's Outerversal: A concept that is beyond other iterations of the concept, including space and time. But his ascension hasn’t actually crossed the threshold between mortality and omnipotence. . So, for me its a rather useless messure of power, and more one of scale. After an alien attacks and almost kills Shinichi, Migi disperses 30% of his body into Shinichi's. Those who didn't knew issei can divide enemies power into half every 1 second in season 5 because of white dragons power and combine it with res dragons boosting ability. However, a head injury at an early age alters his memory, ridding him of his initial destructive nature and allowing him to grow up to become one of Earth's. (Yes it is stupid and meaningless). Who will win?Battler Ushiromiya Or Xeno Goku, CC Goku, And AF GokuTop 10 strongest universal characters rankingtho Sonic's cosmology is way beyond Infinity layers. Scans are also below the explanation. Then comes the high outerversal argument with Cannibal as he himself stated that he " surpassed everything" so you can argue he transcended Void Mundus infinitely over and would debatably apply to the Infinite layers into outerversal so high outerversal. If 't be true they physically exert the attack, then aye, if 't be true t is a charm/laser 'r aught, not necessarily. Why Jesus solos Goku. . Has average knowlegde on db 9 mo. Beerus and Goku's relationship means Goku can't be a universe buster. wang ling can existence esure and already 10% is outerversal and existence esure doesn't affect wang ling if ur saying eraser wang ling can beat sun wukong the monkey king which is 1-A bc of his extreme high level of power i read this from immortal king wiki so i think wang ling wins he's power is above outerversal and high outerversal so correct me if im wrongGoku SS4 is 7D. . @ainz-ooal. And we also know that there's something called KI in dragon ball also referred to as energy, life force, etc. Well here is another one: Son Goku (Mega-Composite) So apparently according to this wiki, Son Goku is actually outerversal level if we pull every single. I'm a die hard dbz fan too, but people say anos is outerversal and Goku is mid multiversal, so yeah anos claps and people say anos destroy the silver sea which haves 100 dimensional and universes which is very confusing but whatever and which puts anos at high complex MULTIVERSAL or maybe outerversal, but yeah if anos is higher tier then. Shinichi gains enhanced strength, speed, durability, and vastly improved mental faculties. O. 2,730. Long answer is no. Attack Potency: High Outerversal (Scales above Gyutaro who is said to be able to kill the Buddha (High 1-A). Beerus and Goku were fighting as relative peers when the universal feat. Goku! A Transcendent Battle Begins on the Prison Planet!" Characteristics Race Saiyan Gender Male Height The most powerful being ever known. Beerus is also around that level, he can hakai them no diff. He is the Evolution of Mvc Goku and can stalemate the Almighty Skodwarde. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It also exists in other universes. DB isn't very fun to use in VsBattles bc people always push either absurd metas or absurd hax. he not outer he is strictly 5d. Interesting-Use4579 • 3 yr. I got jokesTerminator 2: Judgment Day [Special Director's Cut + Remastered] (1991)Extended Scene: No FatePlaylist: A cyborg, identical to. The fact there are multiple different Goku’s means he isn’t outerversal as he is still confined by the constraints of time and different timelines. . Pennywise stomps from existing 65%. Something went wrong. Saitama is a gag character, one punch man is not a serious manga, it is a parody of the shonen, I would not take it. The beat in this video is called Exposing me. Fan Feed More Character Stats and Profiles Wiki. Tier: 2-B, became faster than. Jotaro and Dio = Boundless (deflected the Emerald Splash)The power cosmic is one of the most versatile forms of energy within the Marvel Universe due to its ability to transform even the weakest person into a fierc. Community members who help us out will receive badges that give them several different benefits, including the removal of all advertisements in this forum, but donations from non-members are also extremely appreciated. Making Goku outerversal easily as he can destroy the other world. This Goku is the most overpowered/strongest goku in the entire existence and non-existence. #1 TTBenimaruShin Born a pure-blooded Saiyan on Planet Vegeta, Son Goku is the main protagonist of the Dragon.